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The Colour of Recycling

Have you ever seen a recycling bin which is colour coded, only to see another shortly after with different colours?

For example, how many times have you taken a plastic bottle towards a recycling bin thinking "I'll put it in the blue bin" only to see that paper/cardboard is blue and and plastic is now green.

This is something that we think of quite often, but it was a trip to Dubai mall when 2 recycling bins less than 10m apart had different colours for each material. The video below shows this;

Don't get us started on the fact that it's just "Recyclables", that's a whole other issue. It was the fact that the recyclables had gone from Blue to Red, and even worse general waste went from Yellow to Green, a colour I think most people would associate with recycling or something more sustainable than general waste.

This triggered us to conduct a survey to find out what colour the general public associate with the following recycling categories:

  • Plastic

  • Paper

  • Cardboard

  • Glass

  • eWaste

  • Aluminium

  • Metal

  • Fabric

The results are in and being analysed and we'll be posting them on our Instagram page.

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